Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strange things happen on or before Hitler’s birthday.

Oklahoma, Waco and Columbine, people do some awful things around this time. Was it due to Hitler’s birthday coming up? As of posting this here, they have no suspect. On the 15th and the 16th, I had worked 12-hour shifts, so I haven’t been in front of the TV as much as I want to. But when I arrived home at 2:15am and settled in, the ABC late night news (whatever the hell it’s called, I forgot) had it’s take on it. And they also showed the photos while playing the sad music. I can see why I don’t watch too much TV. I mean, yes, I’m guilty of watching the news to see the images and the video of how it happened.

                I was just done listening to Opie and Anthony talk to Alex Jones; they also had a caller attacking him as she claimed to know one of the men who got severely injured, and that was a funny convo. If you get a chance as you may be reading this, go to YouTube and listen to Opie and Anthony’s show on 4-17-13. If it’s not there, then the lawyers of SiriusXM are doing their job right. However, as much as I disagree with most things Mr. Jones says, he did state that he doesn’t like to be held responsible for what other conspiracy folks say.

                But, some other folks who are against these conspiracy folks are buying dot coms to keep the shitstorm away. Someone bought and another dot com in relation. Here’s the article:


Anyway, I’m a Cheers fan, so to honor Boston, I’ll put this up: