Saturday, March 2, 2013

North Korea welcomes Dennis Rodman

I was going to talk about Dennis Rodman in North Korea, but first, I have to chime in on this issue that happened at a Pennsylvania school. What happened was a receptionist was calling a student from an Ambridge school to confirm an appointment, and that student’s voicemail message was the theme of The Fresh Price of Bel-Air. Supposedly, the person calling up misheard they lyrics “shooting some b-ball outside the school” as “shooting some people outside, it was cool.” So anyways, this person hangs-up the phone and calls up the school district, and the whole district is under lockdown. The student in question was held by police for three hours.

                People like this broad (let’s assume it’s a woman, har-har) who misheard they lyrics are the people I fucking hate. Not due to mishear lyrics, but these ‘overly concerned’ people, these people with a big stick up their ass. Especially with how school security is ran these days with the over-paranoia (with the Sandy Hook shooting, can’t blame anybody for being paranoid about going to school). If that happened to me due to some cunt getting the misunderstanding on my voicemail message, I would be stalking this bitch, I’d tell the doctor’s office I’m out unless this bitch gets fired. Lots of things I’d be doing to get this bitch, lots and lots.


                Dennis Rodman, a provider of some great entertainment and a former Detroit Piston during the Bad Boy era (I witnessed that!), had made his was to North Korea with HBO following him. I supposed that the new leader wants to make amends, unlike his father Little Kim (Bill Maher had a habit of calling Kim Jong-il Little Kim). I imagine that the US Department of Defense was having a meeting about this and all the generals were saying, “At least it’s Dennis Rodman, we can experiment with him.” Just in case North Korea held him hostage and had demands for the US, in which we would shrug them off and probably say fuck it. If it was Kim Kardashian, we would be sending all the troops over there to get Ms. Kardashian out and blow up the whole fucking country in no time.

                Maybe that is what the great leader of North Korea is doing; he wants to make amends by getting the has-beens in there. We will begin to trust them with the more famous types. Then, we will have Taylor Swift over there and they hold her hostage. With that situation, we would launch a nuke over there, and then perhaps all countries with nukes may get a little trigger happy, then Nuclear Winter?

That’s a little far-fetched joke, but heh? When a white woman goes missing, you’re not going to be watching American idol for a while.

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